George is a jack of all trades!
Born and raised in Mineola, NY, George is the son of James (Jimmy) and Jennie Papadimatos, and an actor and stand up comedian (SAG-AFTRA and AEA). He is also a world traveler, comic book expert (especially Spiderman!!!), has a passion for singing and is the King of Karaoke! He recently booked a recurring role on the hit HBO series "The Deuce" as Detective Braden. Also recently, he booked the Lead role of "Donnie Boy" alongside the incredible Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (The Deuce, Walking Dead, The Wire) in the Off-Off Broadway Play "Broken Windows".
George is a classic film and sports buff (particularly Baseball). Seriously! Ask him anything........ he is known as the "Biggest Yankee Fan In Mineola" (Google it, he comes up!) and even has some Yankees credits to back it up! In both 2018 + 2019, he starred in a NY Yankees TV Commercial! In 2016, he won a "Biggest Yankee Fan" contest sponsored by Major League Baseball and is also known as George from Mineola, "Biggest Yankee Fan in Mineola" on WFAN Sports radio!
George was inspired as a child by many actors, especially James Cagney, Steve McQueen and Robert DeNiro. Two of his biggest comedic influences are Lou Costello and Jack Klugman. He also is a HUGE fan of the modern day comedic style of Ed O'Neill and Kevin James and hopes to work with them someday soon!
George has studied acting regularly with his mentor, Academy Award Nominee, Chazz Palminteri, as well as having studied with TV star Louise Lasser, Kimball Studios, Susan Batson, HB Studios, Weist Barron, Improv at UCB and more.
Being a HUGE comic book buff, he accomplished one of his biggest goals of landing a role in a comic book movie/series, by booking a Co-Star role on the hit Netflix series "Daredevil", playing the role of Elektra's Chauffeur. George hopes this becomes a recurring role and opens the door to other Marvel Universe roles. Since Spider-Man is his favorite, he would love to play any one of his awesome arch villains! (How about it, Director Jon Watts?)
George has starred in many theatrical productions, including playing the role of "The Duke" in a traveling tour of Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona". He also landed lead and supporting roles in numerous TV shows and films, including a Greek speaking role in the 5 Time Award Winning Indie Film "Mommy's Box".
George is a very versatile performer. Besides his ability to play many dramatic roles, he is also a Standup Comic and loves getting the chance to show off his comedic chops with the hopes of starring in his own TV Sitcom!
George has performed as a stand up comic in many venues in NYC.
His show is a tribute to his late Dad, Jimmy, and is about growing up in a Greek family in NY. His natural flair for comedy along with his strong stage presence and mimicking/impression/voice skills are what made him a success as a comedian immediately upon his stage debut.
He recently booked a recurring character for the TV Pilot "Wholly Broken" starring and directed by Actor/Singer Tom Humbert, alongside soap stars, Terri Conn and Alicia Minshew and legendary singer, Martha Wash.
George's recent Lead role in the Play, "Broken Windows" by Chuck Orsland, played at The Greenlit Showcase Festival in NYC and he is signed to perform the role again Off Broadway for the summer of 2020!
George is currently working on a one man show based on his Hero and inspiration, his late Dad, called "The Stories of Mister Jimmy" and a TV Sitcom called "Jimmy's and Jenny's"!